Google assistant and ESP8266 based smart Appliance control
G O O G L E Assistant To Control your Lights & Fan Home automation has become very common now days and people are using IoT to automate everything in their home. Today, I am going to explain you how we can create a cheap google assistant based smart home appliance control system which you can also sell as product. After going through this tutorial you will be able to control any number of appliances in your home from your android phone anywhere, anytime and also you can check the status of your lights, Fan, TV, etc. Yes, your existing switchboard can get smarter with just a small change and NOT much cost. Hardware Components: Arduino UNO ESP8266 WiFi module (ESP-01) /NodeMCU Relay Module 5 volt Wires for connection AC to DC 5 volt power supply LM1117 or AMS1117 3.3V regulator AC appliances WiFi router Tools Soldering iron Wire cutter Screw driver Multimeter Electrical tape Connect ESP8266 wit...